Who Am I?


Who Am I?

For the past few classes or Assignment has been to take 10 photographs that show “Who I am”. The goal is to not only photograph different objects, but to photograph how they relate and mean to me. For me I chose different things that I do in my normal life. These might not happen every day, but they are still important to me and are an important part of my life. For example one of my photographs is on my cross country team winning catholic states. Another example is my Senior homecoming. These don’t happen all the time but they all have a special meaning to me. 

Some of these photos are things from my childhood. When I was younger my dad would travel a lot for his work. Whenever he would go to a new place, he would get me a snow globe from that place. I have a whole collection. The ones in the photo are just a few of the ones I have. Another thing from my childhood is my stuffed animal dog Patches. I would sleep with him every night when I was younger, but now he sits in my room on my dresser. Whenever I see him I think of times when I was younger.

Some of these photos represent things that happened and are still happening today. Usually I can only play video games on the weekend, but when I can play them, they help me destress and  forget about everything I’m worried about. Whenever I have Mac and Cheese, I think of my mom because she would always make it for me when I was younger. 

These photos also show some things happening in my life right now. I got my driver's license at the beginning of the year. One of my favorite things is driving home at night with relaxing music and not a lot of people on the road. It gives me time to think and I find it relaxing. Two other things happening are cross country and swimming. These are two of the three sports I do at my school. Swimming is definitely my favorite, although we have to get up super early in order to practice. 

These are just some of the things about me that I decided to photograph. Every person is different with different experiences. These are a few things that make up who I am.
