
Showing posts from November, 2021

Bloody Callus

I’ve had this callus for weeks now and ever since I got it there has been a little bit of dried blood on the inside. Today this shift thing appeared in the middle. 

Blended Focus

This photo is actually 4 different photos taken w different focuses blended into one photo. The 4 points of focus were the manger with baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the start of Bethlehem. 

Bird Nest

Today I found this birds nest. There were no eggs inside. 


Today we went to get our Christmas tree and there were holly bushes. I thought they would look cool for a photo. 


Here is a picture of Rue looking guilty of something but we don’t know what. 


Happy Thanksgiving! :)


Today I took a picture of these trees. 

Virtual day

Today I was at home virtually. My dog Sasha stayed under my desk for most of the day

Big donut

Today I had this huge donut that was bigger than my hand. 


Today I had time trials for swim. 

More macro

Today we took more macro shots. I found a leaf and was able to take this one. 


These are some of my macro photos. I like taking macro shots because you can see every day things but up close. Things look very different when they are up close. For example, the 3rd picture it looks like something wooden is in the picture. It’s actually a rubber door stop. The fifth photo looks like something metallic, however it is actually a plastic flat table. 


These are the lenses I use to create macro shots. 

Macro practice

Today we practiced using a macro lens on our phones in class to photograph things really close up. I personally love taking macro photos and they are probably the ones I find the most interesting. I like how they show what a object looks like up close even if it doesn’t look the same way from farther away. This was one of the photos I took today but I’m not using this one as part of the 10. I have better photos that I will post tomorrow. 

Galaxy Lamp

This is a lamp I have on my desk. It changes color and lights up the area I work. 

Who Am I?

  Who Am I? For the past few classes or Assignment has been to take 10 photographs that show “Who I am”. The goal is to not only photograph different objects, but to photograph how they relate and mean to me. For me I chose different things that I do in my normal life. These might not happen every day, but they are still important to me and are an important part of my life. For example one of my photographs is on my cross country team winning catholic states. Another example is my Senior homecoming. These don’t happen all the time but they all have a special meaning to me.  Some of these photos are things from my childhood. When I was younger my dad would travel a lot for his work. Whenever he would go to a new place, he would get me a snow globe from that place. I have a whole collection. The ones in the photo are just a few of the ones I have. Another thing from my childhood is my stuffed animal dog Patches. I would sleep with him every night when I was younger, but now he sits


I saw a deer today while I was coming back from my grandparents house. 


My cousins’ school had a 5k so my family went to Maryland to run it. 

Old Dog

This is my grandparents’ dog Lacy. She is very old and is starting to get white hairs. 


The stars that mage the square are parts of the  constellation Pegasus 

Crew Season

Crew conditioning has started and it’s time to get ready for the next season this spring. This was my hand after the first practice. Surprising this is probably the best “Day 1 Hands” I’ve had in my 4 years of rowing. 


Today in e sci we went to the woods outside our school and found bones. These were two of the cooler ones. 

Rue again

Here is another picture of Rue. She was very sad when my dad left the house today. 


Today I found this fungus on this log and thought it looked cool. 


I was sitting at my fest thinking of what to photograph and I looked at my computer and realized you can see inside it. 

Late Night Game Gaming

Relaxing and playing video games. 

Last XC Meet

Today was my last xc meet at my school. This is a picture of my friend tim holding the awards my team got. 


Today I saw a spider outside my school. I tried to get it in focus but It kept moving and it wasn’t working. Over the past few days I have realized I need to practice focusing on the objects of my pictures. 

Tired Rue

Today Rue got to play with some other dogs. She was very tired when she got home and she wanted to come up on the couch with me. This was her waiting for me to let her get on the couch. 

Photo Describing Candice

Today in class we had to come up with a fictional person. We all called her Candice. We all chose one thing that she liked or didn’t like. Then we had to go out and photograph what we said. I chose she liked music. In the photograph I have homework out on the table and music is playing from the phone. 

Ready to Run

in this photo I tried to set up my sports bag by the door in a way that showed I was ready to go and run.