
Showing posts from September, 2021

Toy Killer

My dog Rue recently grew out of her puppy teeth and got her adult teeth. I don’t think she knows how much strength she has or how sharp her new teeth are because she has been ripping apart “indestructible” toys such as this one for the past week. 

Lake Mooney

Today I went in a field trip to Lake Mooney. This trip was for my Environmental Science class. We got to canoe and learned how the water gets tested and treated. We also saw some really cool wildlife such as different birds and trees we have been learning about in class. 

The Blind Challenge

Blinded: Not Blinded: Blinded: Not Blinded: Blinded: Not Blinded: Today in class we were given a challenge to take three photographs blindfolded. Our goal was to take three esthetically pleasing photographs without being able to see what we are photographing. We each had a partner that lead us around to different spots where we could take photos. We could also ask them questions such as "What is directly in front of me?" or "Where is the front of the school?" in order to get a general idea of where we were and what our surroundings were. Once we were done we went back to the places where we took the photos and retook them, this time being able to see and taking them a we would normally. 

Snacking on Acorns

My dog Rue loves to eat acorns when we go outside. I don’t know why but she eats a few every time we go out. 

Cross County

Today I had a cross country race but it was at night. Here is me with some of my friends after we ran our races. 

Willem Jameson

This is a picture of my friend Willem with his pet fire hydrant.

Mixed Meaning

For this assignment we had to take 10 photos that could be interpreted in multiple different ways. These are the ones I took. 

Big Toad

Tonight I saw this big toad on my driveway. I used a flashlight to get a good light on him rather than use the flash o no my phone . 

Leaf Spiral

Today I was in my backyard and I saw these leaves on this tree. I thought it looked like a spiral staircase that goes up the tree. 

Eagle Scout Project

Today I did my Eagle Scout Project. Volunteers from my troop and myself drove to Historic St. Mary’s City where we planned 11 red cedar trees. These trees will grow up and be used to make a longhouse. 

Tower of Dogs

This is a stack of stuffed animal dogs I have in my room. The small Black one on the top was my grandma’s, the blue one in the middle was my favorite stuffed animal when I was a kid, and the husky was my great grandfather’s. My great grandma gave it to me before she passed away. 

Portrait Set 2

This is my second set of portraits. This time my friend mike was the subject matter. For the sixth photo I used Retouch to get rid of a showdown and for the last photo I used After Focus to turn the background blurry. 


This is a picture of my puppy Rubyrue. 

Cross Country Meet

Today I have a cross country meet. These are two of my friends while we wait for the meet. 


For class we had to take portraits. These are portraits of my dad. For the 8th and 10th pictures I use an app called After Focus to blur the background. 


There was a deer and it’s baby eating grass in my front yard. 

Sponge Bob Ross

I see this Sponge Bob statue quite often. Today he decided to be Bob Ross. 


Today was my cousin’s birthday party. Happy tenth birthday Fiona and Lila!!!